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Comentarios (5)

Barks - 27 Abril 19:05

Tall blonde, thin, with blue eyes and an angel face that will drive you crazy, I like sex so much more than you, I do all kinds of services, I am very

Eugene - 10 Junio 16:45

Hay veces que aparentamos tener calma y aplomo en el proceder para no demostrar nuestras vivencias internas. Pero estas vibraciones afloran y nos pone tensos.

Willy - 21 Junio 20:12

I have very little sex drive when I'm at a bar or whatever, but if I am dating someone, my sex drive is very high. Like it takes a whole lot for me to get worked up, unless it is someone I'm dating, in which case I like to get it on all the time. In a bar situation, my sex drive will increase with time, but usually not enough for me to drive me to action.

Nickie - 7 Junio 04:06


Siniard - 28 Junio 04:46

not that good

Irvin - 11 Marzo 13:21

Gorgeous seXXXy ass!